About us

Association of Ukrainian
Organisations in Estonia

The Association of Ukrainian Organisations in Estonia is a union of Ukrainian organisations throughout Estonia founded on May 30, 2000.

The Association's mission is to preserve and develop Ukrainian culture, language, identity and traditions in Estonia.

According to the Statute of the Association, its purpose is to unify, coordinate the work and increase the effectiveness of the activities of Ukrainian communities in Estonia, as well as to support and develop Ukrainian-Estonian and international cultural ties.

The Association constantly admits new Ukrainian organisations as members, provides opportunities for their development, protects their rights and interests, and promotes their participation in integration processes.

Learn more about the Association's work since 2000

Registration data of the Association of Ukrainian Organisations in Estonia

19 Ukrainian organisations are members of the Association of Ukrainian Organisations in Estonia

  1. Creative association Orphei, Tapa. Director of Operations - Liubov Laur

  2. Ukrainian hometown society Vodogray, Sillamäe. Director of Operations - Larysa Zhytnyk

  3. Union of Ukrainian Youth of Estonia, Tallinn. Director of Operations - Volodymyr Palamar

  4. Ukrainian hometown society Vitchyzna, Pärnu Director of Operations - Liudmyla Fainytska

  5. Prosvita - Centre of Ukrainian culture in Estonia, Tallinn. Director of Operations - Nadija Samorukova

  6. Dance company Colour, Tallinn. Director of Operations - Nina Gets

  7. Creative studio Mriya, Tallinn. Director of Operations - Aleksander Smirnov
Director of Operations Volodymyr Palamar Chairman of the Board of the Association of Ukrainian Organisations in Estonia
  1. Ukrainian hometown society of Paide Director of Operations - Vilina Hange

  2. Ukrainian studio Kobzaryk Director of Operations - Mykola Rybchenko

  3. MTÜ DobroArt Studio, Tallinn. Director of Opeartions - Dmytro Dobrovolskyi

  4. Ukraina meedia Druzi MTÜ, Tallinn. Director of Operations - Inna Hordiienko

  5. Musical ensemble Melodiya, Paldiski. Director of Operations - Ivan Shchoholiv

  6. MTÜ Art Studio Anima, Tallinn. Director of Operations - Alla-Inno Yakymenko

  7. Ukrainian society and Saturday school Kalyna, Valga Director of Operations - Ruslana Dovha

  8. MTÜ Spilno Library, Tallinn. Director of Operations - Darya Shiaulene

  9. MTÜ DIBROVA, Tallinn. Director of Operations - Aliona Duminika

  10. Mittetulundusühing KOLO, Tartu. Director of Operations - Aliona Kuts

  11. OÜ Gumor UA, Tallinn. Director of Operations - Oliinyk Serhii

Various cultural events such as the International festivals Northern Star and Flowers of Ukraine, concerts, literary and chamber evenings, vocal competitions, cultural and educational city events, and conferences are held under the auspices of the Association of Ukrainian Organisations in Estonia.

One of the Association's main activities is organising the work with children and youth. Since day one of their existence, local Ukrainian communities in multiple cities have organised Sunday and Saturday schools, classes for in-depth language learning and interest groups.

For more than 20 years, Sunday schools have been operating at societies that are part of the Association:

  1. Tallinn - Nadiia school (headmaster V. Palamar),
  2. Sillamäe - Sunday school of the hometown society Vodogray (headmistress L. Zhytnyk),
  3. Valga - Saturday school Kalyna (headmistress R. Dovha).

In Tallinn and Sillamäe, the creation of Ukrainian language classes in state gymnasiums was also initiated.

Join our classes and our events; we welcome both children and adults!

In 2001, the Association of Ukrainian Organisations in Estonia was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "For significant contribution to creating a positive image of Ukraine in the world and public activity". The Association received numerous acknowledgements and certificates from the Ministry of Population of Estonia, the Ministry of Culture of Estonia, the city governments of Tallinn and Tartu, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Estonia, the Foundation for Integration and Migration of Estonia. Patriarch Filaret of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchate awarded the Association a Blessed Letter and a medal. Liubomyr Huzar, the Major Archbishop of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, also awarded it a commemorative medal.

Since 2014, the Association has been actively supporting the Ukrainian people in their struggle for independence and freedom. With the beginning of russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the Association created the Aid for Ukraine Headquarters, which continues to work to this day and provides various assistance to the Armed Forces and the civilian population of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian diaspora in Estonia has become more prominent and active thanks to coordinating activities. The experience of the Association has demonstrated that cooperation raises the spirit of competition and the desire to help others. But most importantly, being together is enjoyable, beneficial, and engaging. The Association is guided by the Code of Ethics of public associations in its activities.

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