Northern Star 2024 | Tallinn

Northern Star 2024 | Tallinn

Together to the Stars!

The yearly International Creativity Festival "Northern Star 2024" which will take place on October 27, 2024, in Tallinn, invites talented youth to participate!

The International Creativity Festival “Northern Star 2024” has been organized by the Association of Ukrainian Organizations in Estonia and the Ukrainian Youth Union in Estonia, with the support of the Ministry of Culture of Estonia and the Embassy of Ukraine in the Republic of Estonia, since 2001.

Every autumn, the "Northern Star" festival brings together talented people with the aim of developing Ukrainian art, promoting and popularizing Ukrainian culture, traditions, and rituals, enhancing the artistic and cultural worldview of participants, enriching their spirituality, searching for and supporting capable and gifted individuals, and establishing close creative ties between Estonia, Ukraine, and countries where Ukrainians reside.

We invite choirs, vocal, instrumental, and choreographic ensembles, studios, and solo artistics of pop, classical, and folk singing aged 16 and older to become participants in the festival!

Festival Categories:

1. Vocal:
1.1. Pop song (solo, duets, ensembles);
1.2. Folk song (solo, duets, ensembles);
1.3. Academic genre (solo, duets, ensembles).

Participants present 1-2 performances with a total duration of no more than 6 minutes.

2. Choreography:
2.1. Folk-stage dance;
2.2. Classical dance;
2.3. Ballroom dance (Latin and standard programs);
2.4. Modern choreography and sports dance;
2.5. Pop dance;

Participants present 1-2 performances with a total duration of no more than 8 minutes.

3. Instrumental Music:

Participants present 1-2 performances with a total duration of no more than 7 minutes.

It is mandatory to fill out the registration form for participation.

Applications for participation are accepted until October 1, 2024.

Music for performances should be sent to the email address:

The festival will take place on October 27, 2024, at the Mustamäe Cultural Center Kaja Mustamäe.

Festival Coordinator:
Yevhenii Novokhatnii

27 October 2024